
Gaming Industry has collected almost 121.7 billion (USD) in 2017 and numbers from various surveys estimate that approximately 2.3 billion gamers will spend more than 137 billion (USD) by the end of the year 2018. Every summer Gamers from all around the globe gather at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany to experience the joy of gaming and to celebrate the future of this rising community. Gamescom is one of the largest and most dynamic platforms for professional gamers, developers and anyone who enjoys gaming as a source of entertainment. After the grand opening by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the record-breaking number of more than 345,000 visitors in 2017; the event was organized by game – Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V. this year. Gamescom 2018 was held from 21- 25 August and almost 370,000 visitors have attended the event. More than a thousand companies from different countries have also joined the party to exhibit their latest games and innovative accessories.

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