
Gaming Industry has collected almost 121.7 billion (USD) in 2017 and numbers from various surveys estimate that approximately 2.3 billion gamers will spend more than 137 billion (USD) by the end of the year 2018. Every summer Gamers from all around the globe gather at Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany to experience the joy of gaming and to celebrate the future of this rising community. Gamescom is one of the largest and most dynamic platforms for professional gamers, developers and anyone who enjoys gaming as a source of entertainment. After the grand opening by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the record-breaking number of more than 345,000 visitors in 2017; the event was organized by game – Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V. this year. Gamescom 2018 was held from 21- 25 August and almost 370,000 visitors have attended the event. More than a thousand companies from different countries have also joined the party to exhibit their latest games and innovative accessories.

Mars, the Roman god of war

Mars. Brandenburger Tor, Berlin, Germany.

As Greek and Roman mythology is almost identical, the gods Ares and Mars are very similar but they also have many things about them that are different. Both of the gods were the god of war even though they may not have been the best gods. Mars was merciful and had a heart for the good people of Rome. Ares, on the other hand, was very deadly and terrifying to all the people of the land. But in no way, Mars was less cruel as his terror and destruction sealed the last nail in the coffin of his old shadow Ares during the final battle of Corinth which is considered as the end of Greek rule and the beginning of Roman domination as the new leader of power. Yet, portraying rather a soft and compassionate version of Mars shows the desperation of Roman mythology to maintain the acceptance of the idea of supreme or divine authority by everyone. This desperation really did not work out for Mars or Ares or their blind supporters because even though we could never outfight them, we surely did outlast them as today both of them are considered as only a part of a myth.

At present, due to the monotheistic structure of most faith or belief systems, we only see the glimpses of both Ares and Mars and their blind supporters through their acts and decisions in all monotheistic gods. Through their laws and commands in religions, all of the gods seem terrifying who somehow allow and support killing and destruction. They even have a justified name and title for religious war and its soldiers- ‘Milkhemet Mitzvah’ (Commandment war in Judaism), ‘bellum sacrum’ (Holy war in Christianity), ‘Jihad’ (Sacred war or struggle in the way of god in Islam). Crusades, second world war, Ireland, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria are good examples in the history of modern warfare where soldiers of either both sides or at least one side somehow were highly inspired and motivated by one of these three terms or title of war which is dubiously justified by their god but yet these gods are being portrayed or preached as compassionate, kind and merciful.

It has been more than 3000 years since the arrival of monotheistic faith. Some new gods have risen and many old gods have fallen and ended in the pages of mythology during this time but no other civilization had such power of mass destruction where the existence of planet Earth is threatened like our civilization have today. Will humanity be able to outlast these warmongering gods again and send them to the pages of myths or will humanity destroy the existence of this planet trying to outfight them in the name of establishing peace? Let us hope for a better future where humanity as a united species will master the weapon of wisdom, peace, and freedom and use it against those pretentious gods to finally be able to outfight them for good.

Sakura (桜)

In china, 櫻花(Yīnghuā) is known as a symbol of love and the female mystique (beauty, strength and sexuality). As the schools start in April instead of September; Children and young population of Japan celebrate 桜 (Sakura) as a symbol of a fresh start of the year. Together with their connection to Buddhism and their old heritage; that part of the world found a deeper lesson in Cherry Blossom which emphasizes few key character or adjective to elucidate life – Transience, Mortal and Beautiful. These features are the reasons which make Sakura or Cherry Blossom so elusive and cherishable. This metaphor is an example of endless knowledge that nature offers every day to inspire the consciousness of every living being and to make it apparent for us to grasp and cherish our existence.


Kein Mensch ist Illegal

Global politics is in a confusing state where Donal Trump thinks building a wall is the only solution to deal with migration and Angela Merkel believes there are better ways. But somehow both of them are being criticized for their opinions.

How many more elections or wars or lives will it take for us to answer the burning question: Should we build a wall of hatred or a bridge of love?